Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leap..or Forever Glance Wistfully

Today, a dear sweet friend of mine told me a really sad story, about a boy dying in a rugby game. It brought up an idea that has been stirring in my mind, the subject we all hate but cant get out of our minds. Regret. I remember my favorite teacher told me once in junior high that the saddest words in the english language are .." if only.." and I couldnt agree more. I think no one purposly goes and does something they know they will someday regret. But lately I've discovered that the line between what is right and what you might regret someday, is like trying to guess if it'll snow or not in Winnipeg during summer.

It seems to me that our instincts usually guide us to whats right and what we know we shouldnt be doing. Yet this is all based on the assumption that we use our brains and not our hearts. It appears that in many relationships, the mind tends to take the back seat and let the heart do all the thinking. So that only leaves our heart that acts like a puppy on its first walk. So eager to follow its desires and curiositys. But is it right to follow your heart in this day and age? Now days its hard to trust anyone, no matter how close you think they are to you. If a guy says he loves you...its hard to think awwwww..nowdays everyone's thinking....liar....or pffffffffft who else did you say that to...etc. How do we give this huge responsibility to our make decisions we wont regret. If we take the plunge to fall in love, I suppose there will always be a ..what if..going on in our mind, but i suppose it all comes down to faith.

If you have pure intentions, I think its wise to take a plunge in whatever your doing, and have faith for the best, that it'll work out. In an age where children kill their parents, and people get killed in playing a ball game, I think faith is needed immensly . We can't let the heart take all the responsibility no matter how intense the emotions are. Balance is required to have a happy life. A compromise between the heart and brain, and always ask yourself before you enjoy yourself in whatever your yearning to do..will it be worth it, or will the guilt reduce you to a soulless being.

Maybe regrets are just a part of life, to give us the oppertunity to reflect on life and who we are and what we've done. Or maybe they are our guidance always showing us what path we're on and which one we ought to be on. Yet at the end of the day, its our choices that determine how many regrets we will have.

1 comment:

  1. Nada, your blog is so poetic.. i really like it.. and wonder WHY I"M NOT SO POETIC... lol
